Fundraising and engagement program for WWF
I was the project manager of the development and introduction of a new fundraising and engagement program at WWF in The Netherlands. I have led a multidisciplinary team of six professionals and coordinated an external consultant, who was responsible for the market research and strategy.
The program is called Peer-to-peer fundraising ('Kom in actie' in Dutch) and aims to mobilise people to start fundraising campaigns for WWF and pledge their support.
People can support the organisation with an activity that they would like; they can start their own fundraising campaign or can join one of the events (marathons, family expeditions, etc.) and ask their family or friends to support them.
My responsibility as project manager has been to coordinate the external consultancy who has been developing the strategy and then to translate this into a project plan and concrete steps. Together with the internal project team we have developed the program itself, along with the necessary internal processes, communication materials and the Go Wild - Kom in Actie platform, which we launched successfully.